Import and Export Extension


Track article views, votes and search term. Analytics charts are available under Analytics menu in dashboard.

Article Views

Article view analytics tract number of views (page loads) an article single page receives, this

is always enabled.. Reset view count under KnowledgePress > Articles tab.


Votes settings are located under KnowledgePress > Voting tab, this is also where all votes across all articles can be reset. Resetting a single article can be done under Post Options metabox on poser edit page.

Search Terms

Search tracking settings are located under KnowledgePress > Search tab, this is also where all search terms can be reset.


Post Formats

The theme supports the use of different post formats in order to change the appearance of your content. If you are familiar to tumblr, the concept is similar. Theme supports “Standard”, ”Link”, “Image”, “Video” and “Audio” post formats.

Standard Post Format

Standard post displays title and post content on articles or search page. Go to Post > Add New, enter post title, enter post content, under “Format” metabox select “Standard” and “Publish” .

Link Post Format

A link to another site. Go to Post > Add New, enter post title, under “Format” metabox select “Link” and “Publish”.

Image Post Format

Image post displays title, featured image and post content on articles or search page.Go to Post > Add New, enter post title, enter post content, under “Format” metabox select “Image” and “Publish” .

Video Post Format

Video post displays title, YouTube or Vimeo video and post content on articles
or search page. Go to Post > Add New, enter post title, under “Format” metabox select “Video“. This will reveal ” Video Post Settings” metabox, enter YouTube or Vimeo embed code and click “Publish”.

Audio Post Format

An audio file. Could be used for Podcasting. Go to P ost >Add New, enter post title, under “Format” metabox select “Audio” and click “Publish” .

Automatic Table Of Contents

Activate the feature on per article base on post edit page under Post Options metabox. When enabled, automatic table of contents will be generated on front end from H1, H2, H3 tags.


Knowledge Base Page Setup

Faq Posts

Faqs are bundled as external plugin worth $16 alone, to install FAQ plugin navigate to Appearance > Install Plugins . Click Install and Activate Plugin.